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Šifra proizvoda: 0009

size: h11 cm x w13 cm


    Pravilna a nježna. Pravilne geometrijske forme smo "razbili" zaobljenim rubovima, te time dobili na nježnosti. Zaokružili smo ju obojenim bakrenim prstenom. Dio je posebne kolekcije "Lines" koja odiše jednostavnošću a opet ima poseban i atraktivan izgled. 
    Ručno izrađena posuda, fine i glatke teksture, koja u kombinaciji bakra i finog Portlanskog betona daje posudi poseban izričaj plemenitosti.

    Biljke vole beton. Zbog poroznosti materijala one u njemu lako nalaze dom. Naš savjet je presaditi biljke direktno u posudu te im dopustiti da se prilagode uz oprezno odražavanje. Savjet: sukulenti i sve biljke koje ne cvjetaju su dobrodošle u nase posude.


    Straight angular but gentle and soft. With its round edges, we disrupted sharp lines of the cubicle form and wrapped around with a colored copper ring.
    Part of the special collection "Lines" has a touch of simplicity and yet has a special and attractive look.
    Handmade flower pots, fine and smooth texture of Portland white concrete which combines copper paint and gives a special expression of nobility to it.

    Plants love concrete. Due to the porosity of the material, they easily find a home in it. Our advice is to transplant the plants directly into a pot and allow them to adapt with careful reflection. Tip: Succulents and all non-flowering plants are welcome in our pots.




    For more info regarding shipping use this link!

€ 38,00Cijena

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